Senior Programs Funded by the Government of Ontario
We help seniors in the community to take action in improving their lives one day at a time; while engaging in society through volunteerism and community activities for recreation and also help them improve their knowledge of safety, health and diet.
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Spiritual Hospital is a charitably, multi-ethnic, non-denominational Christian Church located in North York, Ontario in existence since 2013. Our mission is to respond to the community by providing a wide range of programs and services that address the spiritual, mental, social and economic well-being for individuals and families.
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The root cause for many physical sicknesses that will not go away overnight is spiritual. This will need spiritual intervention. On a large scale, individuals will not receive healing or deliverance unless certain root causes are dealt with. There are many imbedded things that hold us captive: Hurt, rejection, grief, shame, unforgiveness, abandonment, bitterness, anger etc.
1179 Finch Ave West, Unit 16, North York, Ontario, Canada Tel: +1 (647) 650-0677